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Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

BeeCamp / RAIL MASTERS 2014 official teaser

BeeCamp/RAIL MASTERS 2014 final results
1st place – Eric Rienstra
2d place – James Boulding
3rd place – Craig Cunningham
4th place – Tobi Holter
5th place – Artem Garaschenko
6th place – Sergey Belmesov

Best trick on the kicker – Jake Kelsick

Best trick on a slider – James Boulding

Camera - Konstantin Bobovik, Alex Dorinov, Alex Khrulev, Tobi Helter, Sergey Roy, Nikita Nikryt.
Edit - Konstantin Bobovik.
Motion graphic - Lena Nogami.
Music - Monkey3 - Bimbo.

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