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Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

Cabrinha 2015 - Coming Soon

Providing progressive kiteboading solutions for all areas of our unique sport is the driving force behind our 2015 program. Here is a little taste of what's to come in 2015. Filmed and produced in the Hawaiian Islands, the birth place of Cabrinha kites. FILMING & EDITING: Anders Krüger ADDITIONAL FILMING: Phil Sobolev SOUNDTRACK: STARRING: Pete Cabrinha, Liam Whaley, Alberto Rondina, Susi Mai, Tobias Hölter, Annabel Van Westerop, Keahi de Aboitiz, Reo Stevens, Moona Whyte, Evan Netsch, James Boulding Go to channel: Watch 2014 teaser video: Find us on Instagram @cabrinhakites

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