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Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

Colleen Carroll "Select" - Where The Wind Blows

Moxy International releases a second season of the empowering female kiteboarding series, Where the Wind Blows. Colleen’s “Select” cut is the first of five videos, alongside Sensi, Lindsay and Laura - featuring prime action shots from a summer of chasing wind and stacking clips.

Moxy International in associated with Redtidepictures presents "Where the Wind Blows" // Featuring Colleen Carroll, Sensi Graves, Laura Maher and Linsday McClure // Produced & Directed by Jennifer Jones, Cinematography, and Editing by Wiley Watson // Additional Footage provided by Craig Cunningham, Dan Schwartz Tom Court, Ben Findlay, and Jeremie Tronet //

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