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Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

MOONLIT - Kiting from Dusk till Dawn

We set out to seek the purest moment on the water while kitesurfing, without others and mostly in silence. After some deliberation, moonlight kite sessions were born, to enjoy freedom to the maximum in a surreal dark environment.
Our next goal was to visualize our stoke. Which up until recently was simply not possible...

The new Sony A7S camera, with its super sensitive high ISO sensor allowed us to show you these special moments and to truly document them!
Watch this night time creative project by Flysurfer Kiteboarding and Woop Productions.
Join the FLYSURFER team within an epic night scenery and kite from dusk till dawn!

Riders: Dylan van der Meij, Yusca Balogh, Christoph Hesina, Laurent Guyot
Kite gear: Flysurfer Speed4 Lotus & Boost kites and Radical5 kiteboards
Video crew & edit: Woop Productions -
Video gear: Sony A7S, Canon lenses, Metabones adapters & Defy Gimbal Systems
Every day is a kite day - Flysurfer Kiteboarding -

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