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Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

Reflection with Aaron Hadlow

Every living person in our world has to find the time to pause and look at its reflection in order to continue with the right way. For professional kiteboarder Aaron Hadlow this time happened during his stay with ProKite Alby Rondina in Sicily, where he could not only enjoy the sole passion from kitesurfing, but literally see his reflection in mirror glassed water in the lagoon. Enjoy this short kitesurfing movie, that reflects his mastery on the water.

Rider: Aaron Hadlow
Production & Spot: ProKite Alby Rondina
Directed, flimed & edited by Laci Kobulsky

3D Text Effects by Marek Machovec
Cover graphics by Tim Wer
Music: Jetta - I'd Love To Change The World (Matstubs Remix)

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