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Spot, Surf, Kite und Wake - Videos

This is KiteSURFING

Patagonia ambassador Reo Stevens gives us an in depth look into making the most out of marginal conditions. Kitesurfing is not a replacement for surfing, simply an extension of it; the conditions for one are only ideal when they are not for the other. By using the kite as a means to harness one of surfing's imperfections, surfers can increase their water time and maximize their wave count. Other riders include Keahi De Aboitiz, Ian Alldredge and Patrick Rebstock. Footage: Peter Trow/ Bennett Williams, Marc-Antoine Bouvant, Jason Wolcott, Anders Kruger, Reo Stevens, Keahi De Aboitiz, Patrick Rebstock, Ian Alldredge, and James Ropner Music: We Are Delirious 3 - Annie Drury (PRS) / Bob Bradley (PRS) / Matt Sanchez (PRS) / Matt Parker (PRS) Walking Over Me - Bob Bradley / Nick McEnally / Matt Sanchez / Giuseppe De Luca Music licenses:

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